
Women and men looking to rejuvenate the appearance of their face and neck, with results that can last for years, often consider a facelift. A facelift is a surgical procedure that can significantly reduce the signs of aging of the face and neck, restoring a more youthful appearance. We will answer the most commonly asked questions, from understanding the procedure, to what to expect for your recovery, and how results hold-up throughout the years.


Dr. Gonzalez and his team will provide you with all the information you will need to make such an important decision. During a consultation visit, Dr. Gonzalez will learn about your goals and determine if you’re a suitable candidate for a facelift, allowing for an individualized plan that aligns with your personal style. 

Facelift surgery, also known as rhytidectomy, utilizes surgical techniques that reduce the signs of aging of the face and neck. During the surgery, the underlying tissues and muscles of the face and neck are adjusted to better support the overlying skin. During the surgery incisions are typically placed along the hairline and the creases of the ear, this gives Dr. Gonzalez access to the underlying structures of the face and neck.


An important note is that facelift surgery is not a one-size-fits-all solution, specific techniques and adjustments may be recommended by Dr. Gonzalez depending on your individual features and your goals. 

The first step in determining if you are a suitable candidate is to assess your overall health. A facelift is a surgical procedure, so it is important to be in good physical health to minimize any potential risks. Additionally, age can play a role in determining candidacy. Most candidates for a facelift are typically in their 40s to 70s, although age alone is not the only factor considered.


Dr. Gonzalez will also evaluate the elasticity and condition of your skin and the tissues of the face and neck. For example, jowling is a typical feature that results from loss of skin elasticity and descent of the underlying structures of the face. There are other examples of features of the face and neck that can make you a good candidate for facelift surgery. 


The expected outcome of facelift surgery, potential risks, and particular features that apply to you, will be reviewed during your facelift consultation. 

When selecting a surgeon for your facelift, it is crucial to find someone who not only has the training and skills to perform this procedure, but that is also able to deliver natural-appearing results. By understanding facial anatomy and identifying the unique features of your face and neck that have aged your appearance, Dr. Gonzalez will review with you what to expect from your results.


Choosing the right surgeon is an essential step for you to undergo the best facelift surgery technique that improves the appearance of aging while maintaining a natural appearance.  

It is important to follow Dr. Gonzalez’s instructions regarding preoperative preparation. This may include avoiding certain medications, being nicotine free, and maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle. You will need to arrange for someone to assist you during the initial recovery period.


We provide a list of the suggested items to have on hand.  We will guide you on how to be well-prepared in order to have a sound recovery from surgery. 

If you’re not ready for surgery, non-invasive solutions like dermal fillers, Botox and laser treatments offer non-invasive solutions for skin texture issues like fine wrinkles or volume loss. These temporary solutions may help improve your skin’s texture while simultaneously decreasing wrinkles.  These non-surgical options can also be reviewed with Dr. Gonzalez during your consultation.

For more information on this procedure or to schedule a consultation, please contact us here.



Facelift surgery may take between four to six hours. The amount of improvement needed for the neck may influence the duration of surgery.

No, a facelift will not completely erase all signs of aging. While it can improve the appearance of wrinkles and the contour of the jawline and neck, it cannot stop the natural aging process or prevent future signs of aging.

In some cases, yes, facelift surgery can be combined with other cosmetic procedures to enhance the overall results.

If you are a good candidate for other procedures, Dr. Gonzalez will review with you whether these should be performed as a separate surgery or if they can be done at the time of facelift surgery.

The long-term effects of a facelift generally include a more youthful appearance, that results from a better supported mid-face, less jowling and a more defined jawline. Results may vary depending on individual factors such as age, skin types, among others.

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